Displaying 31 - 60 of 63 in total

A CVE for every Season

Microsoft patches a nasty CVE with System.Text.Encodings.Web that affects every .NET platform (except maybe framework?); Microsoft takes down a security researcher's P...

Microsoft Ignites Exchange

Exchange gets hacked; Microsoft .NET Foundation is opening up (hhehehe) about its "assignment model" change.

O POH Maoni!

Maoni Stephens (writer of the Pinned Object Heap Blog post and Garbage Collector Guru at Microsoft) gets a promotion.

Naming is Hard, Let's just copy

Microsoft releases "Dapr", in a homophonic 'homage' to Dapper.

Using Azure Means Microsoft Sharing Your Info

Microsoft Shares your Info with Canonical if you use Ubuntu; .NET Turns 19; and three CVEs get patched in the .NET World.

[Object]ing... for now.

Microsoft defers 2022 Election Cycle contributions to congressional representatives that supported the objections to certification of electors on January 6th. Microso...

You can't have issues if you don't have a backlog

The .NET team axes their backlog in vain hopes of managing it. Microsoft releases LAMBDA; an excel function that will likely power AI well into the next decade.

Microsoft says the quiet part out loud

Microsoft spills why they make Political Action Committee Contributions to members of congress that supported the insurrection on January 6th; Visual Studio now suppor...

I am (g)root

Nuget can run arbitrary code on your system; Parler's woes get worse (yay!); and Khalid A. shares inspirational quotes from artists that apply to programming. Oh yea,...

2021 Doesn't Feel so Good, Mr. Stark.

A Capitol Insurrection; JetBrains refutes the NYT tying it to the Solarwinds Hack, and Serverless.com makes a major security "oopsie".

Solarwinds Hacked; Microsoft on the Attack

Solarwinds got hacked; and dozens of US Government Agencies were infiltrated. Microsoft navel-gazes into its eco-system problems; and there's a little bit of "If it's ...

Tech Parrots Tech; Microsoft parrots Google

A nasty RCE has been patched; .NET 5.0.1 has been released; and there's a new site that lets you find blogs for any tech stack.

Remembering the women of École Polytechnique

December 6th was the 31st anniversary of the École Polytechnique massacre; we dive into some Microservices tools and framework improvements in .NET 5; and Windows Term...

Microsoft regains the "Creepy Spying Company" mantle

Microsoft now spies on your productivity in O365; lots of helpful packages abound this week around tough problems; and everyone is hung over from too much turkey.

Throw TFMs at the wall and see what sticks?

Helpful tips if you want to build .NET 5 applications; a new fuzzer; and the galaxy brain meme comes to C#

.NET Framework is dead, long live .NET!

.NET 5 is released; VB.NET is... stable, and the hipster C# (F#) gets some updates.

EF Stands for "Ever Frantically" releasing code

Entity Framework Core team probably isn't sleeping, .NET 5 Drops tomorrow, and hardcoded special characters will be the death of us all.

Always use a culture when comparing strings, just like your mama taught you

We dive deeper into the non-bug bug around String comparison and globalization; and we wait patiently for .NET 5 to drop.

It's not a bug, just a feature you didn't expect

There's a b^H^H I mean feature with string.IndexOf in .NET 5, and there exists at least one person out there combining Blazor with ABAC. In a way, we're all stronger ...

Patch Tuesday? More like Replace Tuesday, amirite?

Microsoft fixes 87 security bugs, countless CVEs, and reminds us they have money to spend, just not on non-Microsoft Open Source Projects.

MARS Attacks

Glaring bug with MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets) on EF / SqlClient for Linux on .NET Core; and a whole bunch of stuff that's less bad. Except for the Labor Dept.'s ...

Is it .NET or dotnet?

Two Conferences walked into a bar, one named .NET Conf and one named dotnetconf. Confusion ensues.

A Magic String that takes down your system

A special magic string that can destroy systems that save your passwords in plain text, and we're partying like it's 1999 because up is down, and Code Project is back.

.NET 5 RC 1 is looking for a few good Daredevils

.NET 5 RC 1 is released; and the .NET community learns an uncomfortable truth: People would rather learn node than learn .NET.

CVEs mean always having to patch your systems.

Two major CVEs in the wild, one patched; EF Core gained some quarantine weight, but I'm not one to judge. I eat junk food, and EF Core adds features. We all deal wit...

August 29, 2020 - Blazor, the new Silverlight?

.NET 5 Preview 8 is out; and a blog post asks: is blazor the future of development?

August 22, 2020 - Why we can't have nice things

Microsoft waits 2 years to patch an exploit in the wild, and other news from last week.

August 15, 2020 - Patch, Patch, Patch!

Microsoft releases updates to all its .NET ecosystem tooling to account for another big CVE; Microsoft humble-brags about OSS.

August 8, 2020 - You can build .NET when *I* say you can

Microsoft reminds everyone that Ignite is coming; .NET Core refuses to be built.

August 1, 2020 - .NET Foundation: Friend or Foe?

Stack Overflow releases its performance metrics; Hacker News Cries. The .NET foundation released its "State of the Foundation" report, and I go deep into what the .NE...

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